Dear Parents,

Happy New Year – We are off to a great start to 2014!

We’re ending our first week with our first ‘Skizza’ Friday of the year and everyone is all set to go.

Today in math class I took an assessment of place value and problem solving strategies. This is independent work and practices following directions as well as logical thinking skills. We will soon be moving on to study time, money and measurement.

In Social Studies class we have been discussing the 2nd theme of our social curriculum – courage. This theme is natural segue into more thinking about teasing and bullying. We have also begun our study of maps and globes and will continue that for the next few weeks.

On Monday the children will visit the computer lab and Mrs. Clausen and I will introduce them to Spelling City, a computer program where they can practice their weekly spelling words with online games and quizzes. Once they become familiar with it, it can be a terrific resource to practice spelling words at home. I will post the new spelling words each week. I will send either a link through email or perhaps add it to my blog if the techno gods are with me.

I want to thank you all for my generous gift at the Holidays, it sure made it sweeter for me. I really appreciated it. Thank you….and for all my cards and delicious baked goods as well. Still making my way through some of them,

The slide show below includes some shots from before the Holidays, specifically the day we visited the Kindergarten to share our peace poems and were visited my the 8th grade traveling Mummer play. The rest are shots of work/play and general 2nd grade fun.

Warmer weather days ahead…..!


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