Here’s how:


1. Cut a pipe cleaner into three equal sections.

2. Twist the sections together at their centers to form a six-sided snowflake shape.

3. Tie the string to the end of one of the snowflake arms. Tie the other end of the string to a pencil.

4. Fill a widemouth Mason jar with boiling water – about 3 cups.

5. Add 9 tablespoons of Borax to the jar. Stir. (Borax is a laundry detergent that can be found at the supermarket.)

6. Hang the pipe cleaner snowflake into the jar so that the pencil rests on top of the jar and the snowflake is completely covered with liquid and hangs freely (not touching the bottom of the jar).

7. Allow the jar to sit in an undisturbed location overnight.

8. Look at the pretty crystals! Hang in a sunlit window to watch it sparkle.

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