Even though it has been a while since I last blogged, things have been busy in the lab!


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The Kindergarteners brought home “sundials” this week. I put the word in quotations because they were really nothing more than a clock face with a straw casting a shadow, and not a traditional sundial. I used this simplistic version of a sundial to drive the point home that people did and do use the sun to tell time. I made the sundial face look like a clock face to drive home that connection. When the children are older and have a more nuanced understanding of time they’ll be more ready to understand an actual, accurate sundial. If you would like to make a traditional sundial with your child at home, this is a good link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/norfolk/kids/summer_activities/make_sundial.shtml

We also had a lot of fun making shadow puppets and doing “shadow plays” behind a big white sheet. Here are some photos:

 We’ve also spent a little time working on our “Myself and Others” Unit. The following pictures are from a lesson about eyes – eye shape, eye color, parts of the eye, etc. Students were asked to draw their own eyes, as well as those of a classmate.