ROAR! Our Preschool has  been transported back in time to the land of dinosaurs.  The next unit we are learning about is dinosaurs.  We will learn about their shapes and sizes, how some ate meat and others ate plants and some ate both!  We will also learn the names and sizes of many dinos; the fact that there were no humans around and how we study the fossils that are dug up by scientists.

Monday we celebrated Margaret’s Adoption Day.  Her mom, Priscilla, and dad, Joe, joined us for Morning Meeting.  Margaret also has a much older sister, Lucy.  Priscilla shared a photo album filled with pictures of Margaret when she was a newborn in Guatemala.  We also saw pictures of when her mom and dad  were able to visit her before she was adopted and when they were able to finally pick her up and bring her home.  Priscilla  read us two stories about children being adopted into new families.  One story, “Over the Moon,” by Karen Katz is a story about the warm anticipation and journey of a family who adopts a child from Central America.  The second story, “Rosie’s Family,” by Lori Rosove and Heather Burrill is about a schnauzers family who adopts a beagle puppy.  Priscilla also brought in the book, “Guatemala ABCs,” by Marcie Aboff and Zachary Troverto share with the class.   At snack,Margaret shared raw celery, carrots, red peppers, hummus and popcorn.  After lunch we had yummy vanilla cupcakes with sprinkles.  Happy Adoption day, Margaret, Priscilla, Joe and Lucy!

Tuesday Dr. Atwater taught us all about dinosaurs and the tools you need to use to study fossils.  Poor Mrs. Atwater missed his visit because of a meeting upstairs.  They are cousins and do look a bit alike, as some children noticed.  He left a lot of tools, such as chisels, lab coats, books and maps for us to explore.  We are all very excited to learn more about these exciting creatures.

Wednesday we were joined by our peer readers.  They are reading really great books to the preschool students.  Our peer readers are getting better at reading out loud to us and usually read 3 books to their partners.  We are lucky to have such a great bond with our 2nd grade friends.  Also on Wednesday, we counted all of the foamies that we used in our art projects last week.  We started by counting each child’s amount, writing it down and then adding them all up.  We used the calculator to be sure we added every last one and we came up with 155 foamies!!  The children were amazed that they ‘counted’ that high.  We also noted that the most used was 35 and the fewest was 9.  We also found that every child used a different amount of foamies.  I will continue to expose the children to many math concepts as the year progresses.

Thursday we explored and played with the new dino toys.  We did a new foamie and pompom art project, as we are still working on gluing and fine motor skills.  In French, we have been working on colors, weather and greetings.  The children had a blast playing in the snow, as the air had warmed up and the sun was shining!   Next week we will have a new message and I encourage you to please read it with your child upon arrival into the room.

Important reminders:

  • No School Monday January 18, MLK, Jr. Day
  • Pajama Day, Wednesday, January 20th: wear your pajamas to school and we will play in our pj’s all day!  We will provide popcorn and hot chocolate for snack.
  • Please remove wet boots and/or shoes prior to entering the Preschool rooms
  • Please remember that the Preschool classrooms open for students at 7:55a.m., early arrivals should play with an adult in the gym.
  • Please remember to include a fork or spoon when your child needs one for lunch.

Have a great weekend!  Joni

Margaret and her Mom and Dad

Margaret as a baby

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