September 8, 2017

Dear Families,

The school year for first and second grade is off to a great start!  On Wednesday we read one of my favorite books, Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney. In this story, when Miss Rumphius is a young child her grandfather tells her there are three things she must do in her life, the third being that she must do something to make the world a more beautiful place.

The children were then asked to draw and write about what they will do to make our year in the classroom great. Their responses were thoughtful and poignant. Here is what they had to say:

*I will make the year great by helping people remember to talk with kind words when they are angry.”

*I will help others do what I can do and they cannot do, so they will help me with something that I am struggling with. For an example, I read a book to one of my classmates.”

*I will be kind to other people and I’m going to make this a good year. I will make the school a better place by sharing things with other people, and I will remember to smile.”

*I will make the year great by sharing with the first graders.”

*I will listen to the ideas of friends and others, and I will help others with work that is hard for them.”

*I will always remember to smile because it makes people feel good.”

*I will do everything the teacher says every day, even when I am bored.”

*I will take care of the classroom.”

*To make BCD a great place, I will help with the 2-year-olds.”

Thank you for sharing your children with us. They are delightful!
