The fourth grade has been divided up into editorial teams, with two students for each issue of Follow the Fourth Grade on First Fridays. The class, as a whole, outlined the purpose of the newsletter:

…because our parents always ask, “How was your day? What did you learn? How was soccer? What are you reading? What are your classmates’ names? What was your most favorite part of the day; your least favorite part? What subjects did you have today?”


So over the course of the year you will learn the answer to these questions and much more.

Our first team is pictured in the photos with French teacher, Mme Downes and Spanish teacher, Sra Velez. (Their names are not used to protect their privacy.) Here is their report…

Interviews with our Language Teachers 

Madame Downes wants the 4th grade to learn to speak about the world. She says there are lots of fun things we will do but she says the nature naming ceremony is by far the best. She loves to teach because there are so many reasons. You can cook, sing, draw, and play.

Downes with fourth

Sra Velez is from the Dominican Republic so she is a native speaker of the Spanish language. Her hopes for the 4th graders are to create basic knowledge of Spanish. Sra Velez thinks the most fun things to look forward to are music, dancing, a fiesta, and story telling. We are very excited to start learning Spanish.

Velez with fourth


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There was a game between the Galaxy (yellow) and Fire (green) teams on Tuesday, Oct. 1. It was fun and everyone enjoyed it. All the players worked together. It was a tight game with the score of 4 to 5.

soccer 1 soccer 2 soccer 5

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soccer 6 soccer 7 soccer 8 soccer 9 soccer 10


Longitude and Latitude

Mr. Uhas has decided to teach us longitude and latitude so we can pinpoint things to their exact location when we’re using a grid on a map. We’ve learned about prime median.

longitude latitude


Upcoming events:

Thursday, Oct. 10 Fourth and Fifth Grade Soccer versus Pine Cobble Home, 3:30 – 4:30, parent pick up at 5:00

Friday, Oct. 11 Grandparents’ Day early dismissal at 1:00

Monday, Oct. 13 No school in honor of Columbus Day

Thursday, Oct. 24 Fourth and Fifth Grade Soccer versus Pine Cobble Away, parent pick up at 6:00 (dismissal from school at 2:00)

Thursday, Oct. 31 Fourth grade Halloween celebration at 2:00

Thank you to our editors and we’ll see you in November.