Yesterday was a fun day in LS Science. The First Graders and some of the Kindergarteners walked out to a nearby stream and were surprised to see fairly large fish jumping around! I was very surprised to see the fish, as the stream level is usually quite low for most of the year. These were big fish – probably 8-10 inches and a dark brown color. I have no idea what type of fish these were, but if you think you know, please email me.  I don’t know who was more excited, me or the students. The very first time we saw them I screamed with delight and scared all the fish away. I was better behaved with the second group of students. 🙂

Another exciting happening was when a Kindergartener looked down at the mud beside the stream bank and found a perfectly intact arrowhead! Again, I think I was even more excited than the students. It was pretty cool.

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