What a wonderful start to February!  We started our week with Groundhog Day and viewed a real picture of Phil the groundhog on the computer.  We all learned that Phil did see his shadow and declared: “Six more weeks of winter, there shall be!”  The children are hoping that there will be more snow, too. 

In French class this week, the children have been learning about Mardi Gras.  We learned about the three colors of Mardi Gras, purple, gold and green; about the King Cake with a hidden plastic baby; and about the beaded necklaces.  We also read the tale  Town Mouse, Country Mouse in preparation for the play next week.  We will be reading Three Billy Goats Gruff next week to get ready for that play also.  The Middle school French classes are putting these plays on the morning of  February 12th. 

The children have made beautiful glittery hearts to decorate our room. They are made from white paper and the children added white glue and spread it around with their fingers and then they chose what color glitter to sprinkle on.  The hearts are on display in our classroom.  We also made new white play dough, to which we added silver glitter!  The children remarked that it sparkles like the snow!

BCD’s traditional Alaska Day will be held next Wednesday!  This is a fun morning filled with traditional Alaskan activities, games and a slide show.  We have indoor and outdoor activities, including s’mores at the bonfire by the pond!  The children need all outdoor clothing, boots, hat, snow pants, gloves and a warm jacket to fully enjoy this fantastic day.  We will be gathering with Lower School for a Morning Meeting and brief history of Alaska Day at 8:20 to kick off the morning, so please be at school by 8:10 a.m.

 We will have a Valentine’s Day party with Pre K on Thursday, February 11th.  Children are invited to bring Valentines in for their classmates.  If your child is going to bring in Valentines, please be sure that all of the B3s and Pre K students are included.  We have posted a sign-up sheet for party treats and supplies in the coat room.  Sometimes Valentines are edible.  Please remember not to send anything with peanuts or tree nuts.  Thank you so much for your consideration to this matter.  Any Valentines with candy will not be eaten in class.  Here is a list of our names:

Beatrice, Charles, Daniel, Devan, Gabriel, Gabrielle, Jaidev, Jolie, Lyle, Max, Margaret, Olivia, Petra, Ray, and Ruby! 

A new book order form with 2 fliers was sent home on Friday and are in the cubbies of our Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday children.  It is not required to order anything, however, if you do choose to, please send in the completed form with full payment no later then February 18th.  Please speak with Miss Guerette if you have any questions.

A sample of some of the books we read this week:

If the dinosaurs came back, byBernard Most

The Smallest Stegosaurus, by Lynn Sweat & Louis Phillips

Groundhog Day, by Betsy Lewin

Snow day! A winter tale, by Joan Holub

How do Dinosaurs go to School?

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by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague


  • If you are sending in something to be warmed in the microwave, please be sure it is in a container that can be microwaved.  Anything with tomato sauce should come in a glass container.
  • Please send needed flatware with your child’s lunch.
  • Update and replenish your child’s extra clothes/shoes/slippers.
  • Bring Library books on Fridays.
  • Please remember to remove wet shoes or boots before entering the Preschool rooms.

Dates to Note:

  • Wednesday, February 10th, Alaska Day (dress to be outdoors!) Arrive by 8:10, please as our festivities begin at 8:20 a.m.
  • Valentines Day Party, February 11th, Please bring in treats at dropoff
  • Friday, February 12th, Ski-Friday, early dismissal, 12:35pm
  • Monday, February 15th, NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
  • Tuesday, February 16th, NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
  • Thursday, February 18th, book orders due
  • Friday, February 19th, Pizza Lunch, No Ski-Friday, full day of school 
  • Thursday, March 4th and Friday March 5th: Parent Teacher Conferences, sign up TBD
  • Friday, March 12th, Ski Friday make up day and last day before Spring Break
  • Monday March 29th, No School

    Enjoying the winter weather!


    Second Grade Peer Readers


    Have a snow-tastic weekend!   Joni