Today, at the final faculty meeting, Paul Lindenmaier asked the faculty and staff to reflect on the year and share highlights with the group.  He did not make any requirements on what could be shared, but every comment was full of gratitude for students and colleagues.  I left the room feeling so appreciative for each member of the Berkshire Country Day School community.

Faculty members expressed appreciation for the following:

  • The Upper School student-written theater production of Two Cans on a String, and a proclamation that it was some of the best theater – student or otherwise – that one faculty member had seen
  • Having more time together as divisions because of schedule changes this year
  • The trip chaperones
  • A fun and joyful Fun & Field Day organized by Sue Benner
  • Gail Heady’s Fitness Fridays full of games with Upper School that gave the kids an opportunity to play, exercise and enjoy time together
  • The fantastic Grade 9 Modern Languages Capstone Projects
  • Jenney Maloy’s new unit on boats with the Kindergartners
  • The BioBlitz (and Gill shared a hilarious story about encountering a spiders’ nest)
  • The Lower School Compassion Assembly, especially the B3s’ willingness to present and the Grade 2 interviews with Kimball Farms residents
  • The care, support and inspiration given to the children of members of the faculty and staff
  • Watching students joyfully run to the gym every morning to play before school
  • The fourth graders’ overnight to the Boston Science Museum
  • Homeroom teachers’ appreciation for each other
  • The Spring Music Concerts
  • Upper School students playing with Charles Neville at an Assembly
  • More time at the end of the year to grade exams
  • The Medieval History fair

BCD is fortunate to have a talented, generous, and grateful faculty.   Thank you for supporting them and for the moments that inspire them.

Happy Summer.


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