Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our fundraiser this weekend!  The event was a total success, raising essential funds for financial aid.  Laurie Schiff, Pam Rich, Lisa Kantor, and Debbie Zecher were extraordinary!  Their performance was a real treat, a showcase of their individual and collective talents, and a perfect way to lift the spirits of our community.

And, a special thanks to: Joseph Rich and Joe Rose; BCD Events Committee: Hilary Ferrone, Jenny Greenfeld, Bev Hosokawa, Stephanie Iverson, Lisa Kantor, Doria Polinger, Pam Rich, Laurie Schiff; David Joseph and the staff at Shakespeare & Co. for being such wonderful hosts and catering to so many Dangerous Women; Jason Macioge ‘85 and Bistro Zinc, Fin Sushi & Sake Bar, and Betty’s Pizza Shack in Lenox;  Paul Frantz, our fearless emcee; and Tom Connolly as his fearless squire; Robin McGraw, our amazing Auctioneer, and all of our winning bidders; Wood Brothers Music in Pittsfield for providing the Dangerous Women with sound; Barbara Newman and Karen Cellini for their dangerous wit and humor in the creation of our live ad; All the performers in our live ads for their presentation on behalf of our advertisers; Jenny Wright for creating our promotional artwork; Guy and Heather Fishman for the cocktail hour entertainment; Chris & Tyler Weld and Berkshire Mountain Distillers for donating and crafting the drink of the evening, the ‘Dangerous-tini’; The sponsors for our Dangerous Desserts Reception Edible Adventures, H.R. Zeppelin Fine Handmade Chocolates, Tutti Baking Co. and Cheesecake Charlie’s; Doria Polinger, BCD classroom teachers, students and Class Parents for organizing and working on the class gifts and raffle; Mane Focus, Judith Gregory & Alan Goldin, O’Brien’s Market, Maria Dockery Perkins for their gift to the financial aid fund; John Dolan for providing dangerous photos of our Dangerous Women; and, last , but certainly not least, Maxine Carter Lome and Joanne DelCarpine.

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