Grade 4:  Cross country skiing in physical education class on Tuesday, January 20, weather permitting.  We have the equipment, you need to remember snowpants or long underwear, jacket, hat and gloves or mittens. We change in the “ski hut” and head out on the back fields. It has been a lot of fun in the past, so I am looking forward to this great break from being in the gym!

Grade 5:  We will cross country ski on two days, Tuesday, January 20 and Wednesday, January 21. Some of you may snow shoe as long as you have hiking boots or snow boots to strap the snowshoes onto. Dress to be outside with snowpants, jackets, gloves or mittens, and a hat.

Grade 6:  Thursday, January 22, will be your day that you will go out to cross country ski. Dress to be outside!!!!!  Snowpants, jacket, hat and gloves or mittens.

If the conditions allow us to continue to ski the following week, we will go out again. I will alert you to our plans.

Thank you!

Mrs. Heady

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