Yesterday was the Lower School’s Courage Assembly. Each student who presented, from the littlest 3-year-old to the seemingly giant third graders, was incredibly brave to stand up and share with the whole Lower School. You can see pictures from the presentations below. However, it was Carmen Dockery Perkins’ comments at the end of the event that I wanted to share here. On Tuesday, Carmen and I journeyed down to New York City for a BCD young alumni party. We had a great time listening to the stories of these exceptional young people, and we were inspired by each attendee. At the Courage Assembly, Carmen shared that these young alumni were courageous because they had dreamed big dreams when they were at BCD and now they were living those dreams. She told the story of the little boy who loved airplanes who is now a pilot. She spoke of the young girl who loved to help little kids who now works for the Ronald McDonald House. She bragged about two of her students who loved to draw who are now artists. Carmen encouraged all of the Lower School students to be courageous and follow their dreams. Both the alumni event and the assembly were wonderful reminders BCD’s commitment to inspiring the promise of each young person.
Courageous BCDers
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