Dear Parents,

Thanksgiving Soup is fast approaching and 2nd grade has been asked to contribute 1 bunch of scallions and 1 apple from each student. We don’t need them brought in until a week from Monday, the 25th.

This warm afternoon was a terrific excuse to get outside and play some Colonial Games including roll the hoops. Simple hoops and sticks provided great fun and helps the class see that even in Colonial Times among all of the chores and hard work there was fun to be had as well. We also used Quill pens and ink to write our names in Colonial Penmanship for the cover of our books on Colonial Times, our final project of this unit.

In Math

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we continue to work on fraction games along with practice in mastering and automatizing basic math facts. This skill is similar to fluency in reading, where children are no longer sounding c-a-t but able to automatically look at the letters and say cat. This enables them to move on to more challenging comprehension skills. Similarly, we should know that 8 and 7 are 15 not by counting up from 8 on our fingers but knowing automatically that 8 and 8 are 16 and subtracting 1, or that 7 and 7 are 14 and adding one. Knowing our doubles and other math facts takes a lot of practice and I encourage you to allow for as much of that as possible, whatever form you choose to take!

A week from this Friday, the 22nd, the 9th grade is hosting our annual Talent Show at 1:30 in Fitzpatrick. Many of the 2nd graders are partaking and I know how talented they are. Please join if you are able.

Otherwise, enjoy the weekend.
