Members of the Dangerous Women Event Committee will be selling Class Gift Raffle Tickets and tickets to both performances of Dangerous Women
at the wall tomorrow, Wednesday, April 14, and Friday, April 16 at drop off and pick up.
Support your child’s class in their effort to raise money for BCD’s financial aid fund. Raffle tickets are $10 each, or 5 for $40, 10 for $75 and 20 for $100. The more you buy – the more you increase your odds of being a winner. The drawing will be held at the Saturday night gala performance of Dangerous Women. You need not be present to win – but it sure would be fun!
Tickets for both Saturday night’s performance and the Sunday matinee will also be on sale. Avoid the Shakespeare & Co. online service fee and buy direct from us.
Cash and checks only, please. Stop by our ticket information booth this Wednesday and Friday for more information.