Grade 3

Warm hearts on Valentine’s Day in 3/4th

Dear All,

In Social Studies our study of bridges continues. We’ve taken a break from terms (tension, compression, abutments, pylons, etc.) and kinds of bridges (truss, suspension, arch, beam, etc.) to a good old map of the world and placing some of the world’s most famous bridges on it with a short history of each. It’s been great to see them back at the Atlases using them with skill and accuracy. We noticed that few of our books/resources didn’t include many African or South American bridges so I  did a little digging and gave them some lists and locations to choose from to add to their lists.

In math, the class can’t seem to get enough of Roman Numerals, but we continue to practice simplifying fractions, division and double-digit multiplication for some. We’re going to review some money and time concepts next week, so be prepared for some measuring at home.

I’ve gotten a bit confused as to what photos I’ve posted on these blogs as to the ones I post on the BCD Google Photo page, so there might be some overlap in the slideshow below if so, forgive me. There are some photos below from our Book Talks, our study of Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream speech, peer reading with the 2-year-olds, our Christmas party and our Valentine’s party today. The cards were really spectacular, and the students were truly touched by the effort and thought put into them all.

On a more mundane note, please be sure everyone has mittens, hats and snow pants. We go out for recess whenever we can, and only those properly suited up are allowed to sled.

Thank you Ken Dow for our recent Lunch Bunch, as always a bit hit with everyone. I am always overwhelmed by the effort you all go to to make these events as special as they are. I hope you know how much the kids appreciate it!

Enjoy the long holiday weekend!

Best to all,


By |2020-02-14T14:33:36-05:00February 14th, 2020|

Bridge Design, Fraction Strips and I Have a Dream in 3/4 grades in January

Dear 3rd and 4th grade families,

Our new unit on Bridges

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, their history and design, is off to a great start. Mike Wilke from Hill Engineering in Dalton came and talked to the class about bridges yesterday. He mentioned that some students from Miss Halls are designing bridges to compete in a Model Bridge Competition in Albany in February. I’ve been in touch with Miss Halls and they are coming in soon to show us their bridges before this class will be building their own bridges with Mr. Gore in Science class.

We are using our multiplication facts to help us with equivalent fractions and finding their simplest form. The class is working with fraction strips along with other manipulatives. Any notice of fractional amounts at home is also a great reinforcement of the concept. (1/4 of an hour=15 mins., etc.)

Our Book Talk

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presentations have begun. Some photos of Sascha’s in the Learning Commons are in the slide show below. I believe in presenting as many opportunities for the students to stand in front of their classmates and present their work; so many skills are practiced that way.

The class will be presenting their recitation of Martin Luther King Jr.’s, I Have a Dream Speech for the Middle School Assembly tomorrow morning, as well as for the 1st and 2nd graders later in the day. I had the class watch a video of the original speech before they get their part to learn and then once again after they have learned it. I will attach a video of their presentation with the next blog.

Pencils continue to be a distraction, losing them etc. – if possible, it would be great to send in some new pencils with your child. A box that I would label would be great.

Bird Watching continues, our feeder is a popular spot…..can’t wait to put in our Bird Garden!!

Thank you to the Cook-Dubin family and Tracy Crawford for our recent Lunch Bunch, it was quite a hit with everyone!

Have a great long weekend,


January Photo Album


By |2020-01-16T16:24:10-05:00January 16th, 2020|

Bird Gardens Ahead / December Happenings in 3/4th Grade

Dear Families,

Happy December! Here are some events to be aware of this busy month:

  1. I am sending home directions for a Holiday Card so please check homework folders if necessary. On the sheet with the directions will be attached the name of the student that your child pulled out of the hat to make a secret card for. The cards are due by Monday, December 16th or before. If you have any questions about the directions for the card, please contact me.
  2. We will have a small holiday celebration last period on Wednesday, December 18th when we will exchange cards. If you would like to contribute some goodies to our party, please contact Ken Dow or he will, no doubt, contact you.
  3. As you know the Holiday Concerts are both on Thursday, December 12th. Lower School concert begins at 10:30 and the Middle and Upper schools concert starts at 12:45.
  4. Thank you all for sending in proper outdoor gear. Sledding at recess if a lot more fun if you are dry and warm!

Finally, we had a wonderful visit from Ed Neumuth during our Service Learning morning last Wednesday. Ed, a retired veterinarian, is a bird enthusiast and speaks to organizations all over the county as to how to put in bird gardens specifically designed to attract a wide variety of birds and provide them much-neeeded habitat. Our year-long Service Learning project is two-fold; 1) understanding why birds matter and 2) what can we do, as a class,  to help curtail the dwindling bird populations. Designing a bird garden is just the ticket and Ed is going to help us design and install one right outside our classroom on the side of Mrs. Benner’s Science Lab.

He will be installing a feeder right on the bridge outside as we want to start introducing this spot to our bird community. We will also begin keeping bird journals in the classroom.

If anyone has an extra pair of binoculars that we could keep here that would be great. 

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I would return them at the end of the school year. Birdwatching might just take over jigsaw puzzles, reading and drawing during our downtimes!

Enjoy the slideshow below,

Best to all, Katharine


By |2019-12-06T10:54:36-05:00December 6th, 2019|

Grade 3 / 4 October 2019: Owls, Pirates and Prime numbers

Happy November,

Third and fourth graders packed in a lot of activities this last month of October.

First off we had to say goodbye to our friend Nicolette who is on her way to Kansas City as I write this. But we also welcomed Peter F. to our class the next day, so he has helped fill the void! Mr. Gore had a small ceremony for Nicolette for her to receive her soccer certificate, photos attached.

We just finished up reading Owls in the Family, a favorite of mine by Farley Mowatt. The comprehension packets worked on throughout and the final quiz had the students recalling and explaining different parts of the story. For a final project, the students will be writing letters to one of the characters in the story.

The Pirate Maps and Captain Logs are also winding down. Once they determined where their treasure was to be buried, they labeled their maps and described how to get there using cardinal and intermediate directions. The Captain’s Logs are also quite interesting…I didn’t know that pirates stayed over in hotels and a few took planes to their destinations. All of that was easily changed in final drafts.

The board game called Prime Climb is a class favorite and a great way to practice prime and composite numbers. Multiplication is ongoing in Math class and next week we will be rounding numbers as well. I am working for solid numeracy, confidence, and competence with numbers and number relationships. I come at math concepts from a variety of angles because they need to understand the concepts from a variety of contexts. When they look at 48, they need to be seeing not just 8×6, but that is 2 away from 50, and thereby 52 less than 100 and one less 8 would be 40 and divided by 6 would be 8 and is the same as 4 tens and 8 ones and so on and so on. Number patterns and solid multiplication facts go a long way to help with that.

Portfolio work went home today and again I have asked the students to take some time, choose a few pieces that they particularly connected with for whatever reason and write a short reflection about that piece. If you have time to go over their work with them and have them explain and summarize some of the work they have done that is great.  It always helps to have an audience!

Please make sure everyone has warm hats, gloves, etc. – this week is supposed to be cold again.

Until then hope your weekend was happy, and a special salutation to any and all veterans in your families and communities.

Best, Katharine

p.s. link to slide show below


By |2019-11-14T07:26:44-05:00November 8th, 2019|
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