BCD at the Movies: An Earthday Tale
Movie night, a joint venture between the Environmental Club and Student Council, was a great success. Over $200 was raised to buy motion sensor light switches for the campus. Kudos to Grace for spearheading the effort. She was assisted by Kelt, Sam, and Jasper. Other students pitched in to help with clean up. The event was well attended by both older and younger students. Disappointingly, there was a technical glitch at the end with the DVD, but the overall night was lots of fun. Great job Student Council and Environmental Club and thank you to all who came out in support.
Dancing Days at BCD
As part of Arts Month, students in the Lower and Middle School participated in Dancing Days, a celebration of dance organized by Sharon Smullen. Students in Grade 6 learned Brazilian Capoeira with Joyce Schneider, Grade 4 learned Jazz Tap with Stefanie Weber, Grade 3 learned Hip Hop with Kat Gurley, Grade 5 learned Salsa with Kat Gurley, and Grades 1 and 2 had the opportunity to enjoy dance and movement with Kristine Waterman. Click here to view pictures from Dancing Days.
A Thank You from Haiti
Back in January, BCD students, parents, faculty and friends participated in a project spearheaded by BCD Parent Tina Petricca to create receiving blankets for the relief effort in Haiti following their devastating earthquake. Volunteers sewed and prepared over 200 blankets that were delivered to Haiti by Sister Eunice, the Creator of Haiti Plunge. She and her team of volunteers delivered the blankets to babies in the mountain village of Desab. Sister Eunice sent her heartfelt thanks for all our efforts that, “brought comfort and smiles to the children of Haiti.” Our school community should feel very proud in the role we played and continue to play in the relief efforts in Haiti.
Partners in Health Acknowledge BCD’s Gift
The BCD student body also came together in January and February to plan and execute bake sales and coin drives to help raise money for Haiti relief efforts. Last week, we received a letter from Partners in Health thanking the BCD community for our gift of $2,216.16. The letter in part reads: “It is your belief in our work that enables us not only to provide world-class medical services, but also to tackle the root causes of poverty by providing access to food, clean water, education, housing, and jobs for thousands of people in need in the wake of this disaster.”
Save the Date
The Parents’ Association is is pleased to announce that Dr. Lyn Mikel Brown, author of the books “Packaging Girlhood: Rescuing our Daughters from Marketers’ Schemes” and “Packaging Boyhood: Saving our Sons from Superheroes, Slackers, and Other Media Stereotypes,” will be speaking at Berkshire Country Day School on Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Furey Hall Music Room. Dr. Brown will be giving a talk entitled “Packaging Childhood: Saving our Kids from Marketers, Schemes, and Stereotypes.” This talk is free and open to the public so please feel free to invite friends and neighbors.
Save the Date
All BCD parents are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting of the BCD Board of Trustees on Thursday, May 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Furey Music Room. This is an opportunity to hear from Trustees about the state of the School and the work of the various Board committees, and get your questions answered.
Pre-K & Kindergarten Class Visits Hancock Shaker Village
On April 21 the Pre-k and Kindergarten classes visited Hancock Shaker Village to see the baby animal exhibit (incuding the day old pigs), bees making honey, milk a “cow,” weave on a loom, and make Shaker crafts. A great day was had by all!