The last few weeks have been so busy.  Here are some of the highlights:

On Wednesday, all students celebrated International Peace Day.   We met at the BCD Peace Pole, on which “Let Peace Prevail on Earth” is written in four languages – English, French, Spanish, and Chinese. Mr. Frantz talked about peace.  Third grade and PreK had made peace pinwheels.  Back in the classroom we read Talk Peace by Sam Williams and The Peace Book by Todd Parr.  Our ideas about working and playing peacefully together get applied directly into the life of the classroom, as we continue to spend these weeks getting to know each other and talking about what kind of year we want to create together.

In that vein, the class has completed their work on developing classroom rules.  They worked hard on this and were thoughtful about the process.  From a long list of 25, they narrowed it down to three all-encompassing ones:

1.  Make good choices.

2.  Be great friends to everybody.

3.  Take care of everything around you.

Hopefully, these will cover all occasions!

We have completed our butterfly life cycle posters.  These are now on display on the bulletin boards.  The children loved the experience of drawing the various stages from life and truly did a terrific job.  Please come and take a look at them!IMG_0505

It was great to see so many of you at Back-to-School Night last night.  I enjoyed the opportunity to explain a bit more about the kindergarten program and to answer your questions.  This is a great class and I’m really enjoying teaching them!  And, always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Author Tyrone Jackson came to read his new book, When I Close My Eyes, to PreK and K on Thursday.  The book is geared for young children and talks about the powers of imagination.  All, kids and adults, thoroughly enjoyed his visit!  We followed up the next day with individual writings.  You can see these on the bulletin board.  Mme. Whalen arranged this visit for us.  Merci beaucoup, Madame!


We were busy outside, too!  Take a look:IMG_0445IMG_0449


We had a wonderful trip on Tuesday to the Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory, seeing over 4,00 butterflies, representing over 50 different types.  The children were terrific on the long bus ride to and from Magic Wings and definitely impressed their tour guide with their knowledge of butterflies.   A big thank you to our chaperones, Lauren Slater, Emily Bernard, and Tyler Weld.  Ms. Smith came, too – thank you!  It was a great trip!
