Dear Families,
Happy December! Here are some events to be aware of this busy month:
- I am sending home directions for a Holiday Card so please check homework folders if necessary. On the sheet with the directions will be attached the name of the student that your child pulled out of the hat to make a secret card for. The cards are due by Monday, December 16th or before. If you have any questions about the directions for the card, please contact me.
- We will have a small holiday celebration last period on Wednesday, December 18th when we will exchange cards. If you would like to contribute some goodies to our party, please contact Ken Dow or he will, no doubt, contact you.
- As you know the Holiday Concerts are both on Thursday, December 12th. Lower School concert begins at 10:30 and the Middle and Upper schools concert starts at 12:45.
- Thank you all for sending in proper outdoor gear. Sledding at recess if a lot more fun if you are dry and warm!
Finally, we had a wonderful visit from Ed Neumuth during our Service Learning morning last Wednesday. Ed, a retired veterinarian, is a bird enthusiast and speaks to organizations all over the county as to how to put in bird gardens specifically designed to attract a wide variety of birds and provide them much-neeeded habitat. Our year-long Service Learning project is two-fold; 1) understanding why birds matter and 2) what can we do, as a class, to help curtail the dwindling bird populations. Designing a bird garden is just the ticket and Ed is going to help us design and install one right outside our classroom on the side of Mrs. Benner’s Science Lab.
He will be installing a feeder right on the bridge outside as we want to start introducing this spot to our bird community. We will also begin keeping bird journals in the classroom.
If anyone has an extra pair of binoculars that we could keep here that would be great.
I would return them at the end of the school year. Birdwatching might just take over jigsaw puzzles, reading and drawing during our downtimes!
Enjoy the slideshow below,
Best to all, Katharine