Hi Everyone,

We wanted to send a quick note to remind you about Soup Day.  We are aware that not all of the children will eat the vegetable soup.  Please feel free to pack a regular lunch for your child.  In addition, children will still need a drink and a snack for earlier in the morning.  We will bring our lunchboxes to Fitzpatrick Hall.

There is a 1:00pm dismissal.  If you arrive early, you are welcome to meet us in the gym.  Our tables will be set up near the podium by the windows.

FYI….BCD’s Thanksgiving Soup originated in 1980 in Miss Hennick’s 2nd grade class, (which Miss Guerette was part of).  It started out small, with the soup being shared just in the class.  As the years went on, the soup grew in popularity and was shared with the school community, and then alumni were invited in later years.  The tradition of each class providing a vegetable for the soup has grown and made the soup a delicious treat for everyone!

We hope that you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving break.

Gobble, Gobble!

Ellie and Joni