BCD’s library became a bookstore for the first week of December, and the BCD community enjoyed finding great books to read and to give as gifts. From November 30 through the morning of December 4, more than 450 books were sold, raising over $1,500 for our library! The money raised will go to purchase books and technology as well as pay for subscriptions to databases.
BCD Book Sale Director, Librarian, Teacher and Coach Jeff Uhas appreciates the help of BCD parents and students with the sale. Al Marrapodi, Sue Venkat, and Jenny Greenfeld helped set up; Rachel and Noah Beckwith and Stephen Taglieri packed up at the end. A special thanks to Rachel for blogging book recommendations. We all thank Eric and Ev Wilska and everyone at the Bookloft in Great Barrington for all they do to make the sale a success, especially Ev and Kat for their wonderful book selections.
“It’s always a lot of work to transform the library into the bookstore,” says Jeff Uhas, “but it is always worth it when I see the excitement on the students’ faces when they come in and find a great book they really want to read. Also I always love to see the students looking to find a book to give to a sibling as a present. This makes all the work worthwhile.”