Happy Spring! Tuesday was spent playing with our super gooey play dough, building with blocks, playing the color game, exploring the Handwriting without Tears wooden letter making set and learning about our new ‘magic’ dry erase crayons. We read a funny book called Not a Box, by Antoinette Portis, about a bunny who uses his imagination to create wonderful things from a simple box. The children enjoyed guessing what was real and what was in his imagination. All the children had a great morning using their imaginations.
On Wednesday our peer readers came and read to us. We all look forward to their visits. We also celebrated Ms. Smiths birthday! We had yummy raspberry sorbet as a treat at lunch! Everyone colored a birthday balloon for her and asked some questions to learn more about her and her life. We found out that Ms. Smith’s favorite color is currently orange, her favorite food is corn and she was born in Pittsfield. Happy Birthday, Ms. Smith. The weather was gorgeous and we spent a lot of time outdoors. The children had a great time in Gym class running all over field. As a class, we had extra time on the playground after Morning Meeting and again after rest. However, the highlight was the turtle!
On Tuesday, Lyle and his family found a turtle on the road and saved it from getting hurt. They brought it to our porch in a baby bathtub, filled with water and rocks and twigs.
The turtle swam around and tried to climb out. We gave it some food, a strawberry, a grape, a carrot, and some lettuce leaves. To our disappointment, it did not eat. Lyle’s mom sent in an information sheet about painted turtles and we learned that they are omnivores, they lay eggs, they sleep underwater and they can live to be 40! At recess, some children used clipboards to sketch the turtle. Thank you to Lyle and his parents for sharing their interesting find. The turtle was set free Thursday afternoon.
Thursday the children painted with q-tips. We talked about making lines, dots, swirls, and even family members! The color was orange and they loved how easy it was to control the q-tip. Some children also used their fingers and made really big creations. This is a great activity to try at home! During Morning Meeting, as we continue to explore colors, we learned that 2 friends like blue , 2 friends like red, 1 likes orange, 3 like pink and 1 likes black best.
working hard to build a tower
Important Reminders:
- As the temperature has changed, please check your bag of extra clothes for your child to be sure everything fits and that there is a complete change of clothes
- If lunch items need to be heated up, please be sure the container can be too
- Please be sure to include a spoon or fork when needed
- The Preschool classrooms open at 7:55a.m.
- Remember to have your child wash their hands before entering the classroom each morning
- Please be sure your child has sneakers and socks for the playground. Sandals, crocs, cowboy boots, etc. are not safe on the climber.
Young artists using the new dry erase crayons
Important Dates:
- Friday, April 9, PA Bingo night, visit mybcd.org to check for details
- Saturday April 10, BCD Talent Show for Haiti relief fund, Winthrop Hall at 6:30p.m.
- Friday, April 16, Pizza Friday
- Monday, April 19, No School, Patriots Day
- Tuesday, April 20 – April 23rd, Arts Week and All School Art Show in Fitzpatrick Hall
- Tuesday, April 20, Art Gala, 7:00p.m.
- Thursday, April 22, Earth Day
Some of the books we read:
What’s the Weather?,Consultants: Ellen Church and Diane Ohanesian
Clifford the Small Red Puppy, by Norman Bridwell
Fast Food, by Saxton Freymann and Joost Elffers
Diary of a Spider, by Doreen Cronin
gooey purple play dough!
Enjoy the weekend! Joni