Hello Families! The B3’s had a very busy week. We had lots of outside time time, did some painting and celebrated a new month and two birthdays. It was also international Read Across America Week, so there was lots of reading and special readers.
Devan's Birthday Celebration.
We started our week with the changing of our calendar; saying goodbye to February and hello to March. The children are excited to see the months change and how quickly this school year has been going. We have also been learning more about colors and painted with green water colors on two different types of paper. They had fun and worked for a long time on each paper, creating monsters, walls and designs.
Devan turned 4 on Thursday and we celebrated by having his mom, Sue, come and share a photo album and some story books with us. Devan was dressed in his traditional birthday outfit and looked very handsome. We learned that when Devan was younger, he used to live in Chicago,he liked to hide under tables and had a very special naming ceremony when he was a month old. His mom also brought in a fruit and veggie platter, along with cookies and cupcakes to share. Thank you Sue and Happy Birthday, Devan!!
The children’s homework this month is to decorate a paper square blue. The children love to see the many unique ways that their classmate complete their homework. These are due on Tuesday the 9th and thank you for participating.
A HUGE thank you to all the families who ordered from this past round of book orders. The Preschool classroom earned 24 books, a puzzle and a math game, along with 1990 bonus points!! Mrs. Atwater and I love the support and the dedication you display to us and our classrooms. We also feel like ‘kids in a candy store’ when we get to order new books to share with the children. Thank You!
This Tuesday, we will join PreK and Kindergarten on a trip to the Berkshire Museum. We will have an early snack at school and board the bus or cars by 9:30a.m. Our program, Math in Motion, will begin at 10:00a.m. At 10:45, we will be able to explore the dinosaur dig site and the aquarium. At 11:30a.m, we will have lunch in the museum’s lunch room. We expect to be back at BCD between 12:30p.m. and 12:45p.m. Please be sure to include proper utensils and napkins in your child’s lunch.
Some of the many books we read during Read Across America Week were:
Dr. Seuss’s ABC
And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street
Oh the Thinks You can Think
My Many Colored Days
The Cat in the Hat
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
There’s a Wocket in my Pocket!
The Shape of Me and Other Stuff
Gerald McBoing Boing, all by Dr. Suess
Looking for Leprechauns, by Sheila Keenan
Ms. Fishman reads to us!
- Please be sure to check and replenish your child’s extra clothing.
- Please remember to send in a spoon or fork when needed.
- If you wish to send in food that needs to be heated, be sure that the container can be heated also, as we do not have extra plates or bowls.
- The Preschool classrooms ‘open’ at 7:55a.m., if you arrive prior to this time please take your child to the Gym to play, thank you.
- Make sure to include lots of food in your child’s lunchbox! These children love to eat and are growing so much.
- Tuesday March 9, Field Trip to Berkshire Museum, Math in Motion, leave BCD at 9:30, eat lunch there and return to BCD around 12:40
- Friday March 12, Final Ski Friday and Last day of classes before Spring Break
- Monday March 29, No School
- Tuesday March 30, classes resume
- Friday April 2, No School, Good Friday
Busy Builders in the B3 room!
Enjoy your weekend, Joni