During our week, we went on a high seas adventure, found out that blue and yellow make green and that snakes lay eggs, but cows do not! The weather was great for spending lots of time outside riding bikes and looking at worms, among other things.
We are looking for adventure!
During our week together, we decorated paper towel tubes in an effort to continue exposing the children to reusing or re-purposingeveryday items. The tubes were covered with spring stickers and yellow cling wrap, to create Spring Lookers, as the kids named them. The children then boarded their ‘boats’ and peeked out the windows and around our room for signs of spring! We noticed: flowers blooming, buds on branches, more birds and more bugs! For another project, the children used water colors and coffee filters to create lovely blue/yellow/green flowers. The children found that when the blue and yellow water colors bled into each other they turned green! We have been spending a lot of time working on color recognition and color blending. We will continue to ‘play’ with colors over the next few weeks. The homework for April is for each child to bring in a book to share with the class. Each book will be read during Morning Meeting or after lunch. This activity is fun for the children as they get to share with their peers a book that means a lot to them. The final book order fliers were sent home this week and are due Thursday April, 22. Thank you so much for supporting this effort throughout our school year. Reading to young children is the springboard to a life long love of reading and learning.
Some of the books we read this week:
The Cow That Laid an Egg, by Andy Cutbill
Duck at the Door, by Jackie Urbanovic
Funny Farm, by Mark Teague
Picnic! A Day in the Park, by Joan Holub
Me and My Family Tree, by Joan Sweeney
Do You Know Colors?, by J.P Miller and Katherine Howard
Kids Celebrate the Alphabet, by Jean Warren
Important Dates:
- Friday, April 16, Pizza Friday
- Friday, April 16, Movie Night at BCD, Wall~E, 6p.m., Furey Hall, $4 per person, visit mybcd.org for more information
- Monday, April 19, No School, Patriots Day
- Tuesday, April 20 – April 23rd, Arts Week and All School Art Show in Fitzpatrick Hall
- Tuesday, April 20, Art Gala, 7:00p.m.
- Thursday, April 22, Book Orders Due, THANK YOU!
- Thursday, April 22, Earth Day
Looking at the worms!
Important Reminders:
- As the temperature has changed, please check your bag of extra clothes for your child to be sure everything fits and that there is a complete change of clothes
- If lunch items need to be heated up, please be sure the container can be too
- Please be sure to include a spoon or fork when needed
- The Preschool classrooms open at 7:55a.m.
- Please send in a bag or back pack everyday
- Please be sure your child has sneakers and socks for the playground. Sandals, crocs, cowboy boots, etc. are not safe on the climber
Have a fun long weekend and keep an eye out for snowflakes! Joni