The B3’s had a busy week exploring more about dinosaurs, playing with Pre K  and observing our crazy Berkshire weather!  In Gym they played leap frog and watched as Mrs. Atwater and I had a friendly game of ping pong.  The play ground was too icy for us to venture out so we had lots of free play time in our preschool rooms this week.  We are hoping to get outside next week and enjoy the snow!

Everyday this week we learned a bit more about dinosaurs and about each other.  The class is getting more familiar with our morning message and routine.  Thank you for taking the time each morning to read the message with your child.  This helps to reinforce the home – school connection. 

 Student Profiles will be sent home mid-February.  In preparation,  a good amount of time was spent “playing games” with each student individually.  It is wonderful to see how much they have learned and  grown in all areas since the beginning of the school year.  I look forward to sharing their progress with you.

The weather made the playground too slippery and dangerous for to be outside and the extra indoor play was welcomed by all.  Everyone had their imagination in overdrive!  Stronger bonds are being formed between the children and lot of imaginary play is taking place.   They are all growing up so fast.

In French this week, we reviewed colors and numbers.  I introduced the vocabulary for families: mom, dad, brother, sister, and baby.  We talked about our own families and how they are all different.  The children have been practicing the song Frere Jacques.  They plan on singing this to Madame Siegel when she returns.


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  • Please try to use reusable containers when packing  snack and lunch.  We do a lot of recycling here at BCD and would like to foster that in our young children.
  • Friday, February 5th, Ski-Friday, early dismissal, 12:35pm
  • Wednesday, February 10th, Alaska Day (dress to be outdoors!)
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  • Valentines Day Party, February 11th, sign up sheet in the coat room
  • Friday, February 12th, Ski-Friday, early dismissal, 12:35pm
  • Monday, February 15th, NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
  • Tuesday, February 16th, NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
  • Friday, February 19th, Pizza Lunch, No Ski-Friday, full day of school (Public School vacation)
  • Please remember to remove wet shoes or boots before entering the Preschool rooms
  • Fun times in Preschool!

    Keep warm this weekend and see you in February!  Joni