Ruby planting a pumpkin seedling

 We started our week by planting our pumpkin seedlings in the pumpkin patch next to the Bus Barn.  In the Fall, the Kindergarten class will harvest the pumpkins to be used as decorations at different Fall events.   We had a great time learning about the roots from the plants.  We also learned how the landscaping cover will help keep out the weeds so that the pumpkins can grow big and strong.  We will check on their progress before the year is over!

Gabrielle planting a pumpkin seedling

Margaret planting a pumpkin seedling

 The children created shiny snakes, beautiful bracelets and colorful crowns using beads and pipe cleaners!  We spent two days working on this activity, as it is great for developing fine motor skills, along with learning to share and communicate with others. 

Crowned Prince and Princesses!

Important Dates:

Wednesday, May 26th, Fun and Field Day (Dress for outdoor fun and getting wet!)  Details TBA
Thursday, May 27th, Fun and Field Day, rain date I
Friday, May 28th, Spring Fling Day, details TBA
Monday, May 31st, No School, Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 2nd, Fun and Field Day, rain date II
Thursday, June 3rd, Move Up Lunch (we call it “Lunch With Mrs. Patel”, for Pre K , and“Lunch With Mrs. Atwater”, for the B3s)
Thursday, June 10th, Last Day of School; Closing Ceremonies; All School Family Picnic, beginning at noon; dismissal at 1:00p.m.

Thursday we celebrated Lyle’s 4th Birthday.  His mom Emily and dad Don brought in lots of photos, toys, clothing and even the hair from his first haircut to share with his classmates.  We learned that Lyle has a big sister, that is actually his dog Rosie, and that he was born in Connecticut.  His dad read one of his favorite stories to the class, Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina.  We all love the monkeys!  They also shared carrots, hummus, strawberries and juice boxes for snack, with yummy cupcakes for dessert after lunch! I then read Lyle Lyle Crocodile by Bernard Waber for our after lunch story.  Lyle is a very exciting crocodile with some amazing adventures. Thank you Bernard family for a great bunch of treats, especially for the take home disc launchers.

Happy Birthday Lyle




Don reading to the class



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Important reminders:

  • Extra clothing needs to be updated please, as most of the children have only a shirt or a pair of socks in their bag.
  • Please be sure your child has enough to choose from in their lunch box; they are all growing so quickly and we now spend more time running around outside and working up big appetites!
  • Please send in Library books on Friday.
  • Please be sure your child has sturdy shoes for the playground; crocs, sandles and party shoes are not safe on the climber.


Enjoy the wonderful weather this weekend!  Joni