ArtSoirée may be four days away, yet it is not too late to purchase tickets!  Please join me on Saturday evening, May 7 in the beautiful barn at Stonover Farm as we celebrate the creativity and dynamic energy within our community and support the goal of building our school’s financial aid fund. 



The barn doors open at 6:30 pm, and I will be there to welcome you to an evening of abundant hors d’oeuvres, delectable drinks and desserts, live music and a live and silent auction (that reserved parking space will be available to the highest bidder).  The evening air may still be a bit cool, but this promises to be the hottest spot in town!  To purchase tickets or to learn more about this special event, please contact Joanne DelCarpine in the Development office, 413.637.0755 ext. 22,

All BCD parents are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees on Thursday, May 12 at 7:00 pm in Fitzpatrick Hall for a state-of-the school report, an update on the work of the various Board Committees, the opportunity to ask questions of the Trustees, and the chance to see a brief presentation of our new Master Facilities Plan. I look forward to seeing you there.