Spring Smiles!!

Happy Spring and welcome back.  Wow the children have grown!   Everyone was excited to talk about their time on break and we  learned that some of our friends took trips on airplanes, some went fishing, some went to camp, and some had family visit.  The children all had a great week getting back into the groove of school.

Tuesday morning as part of our Morning Meeting we all took our shoes off and got measured.  The children are all growing in so many ways.  It is hard to believe the end of the year is in sight!  We spent a little time reviewing our classroom ‘rules’ and playing with our friends in Pre-K.  We had indoor recess and really enjoyed the time socializing with one another.

Wednesday we created 3D collages with blue and clear glass globs.  The children worked hard adding drops of glue to the page and then pressing a glass glob onto the glue.  The children all are developing their fine motor skills and are becoming more at ease with using the glue.  These beautiful pieces are being displayed on the board in the block area.  We read lots of books during the day and had a blast running around in Gym class.

Thursday we played an April Fool’s Day trick on Mrs. Reid.  We sent up our attendance with everyone marked absent!!  We then crept up the stairs to show her we were all really here and to shout, “April Fools!”  We talked about the new month and about April Showers bring May flowers.  The children noticed that our April banner has rain drops on it and asked why.  We talked about the season of Spring and how the earth changes and many things start to grow.  We also talked about the birds migrating back to our area.  We then made new purple play dough for our class and a batch for Pre-K.  The children helped count scoops of flour, guessed what would happen when we added the color to it, and reminded each other that we do not eat it.  We had a fantastic time playing outside; the sun was shining and the children were moving!  The bikes and scooters were brought out, along with new shovels for the sand box.

Some of the books we read this week:

Why Does it Rain?  by Chris Arvetis

Bunny Trouble and More Bunny Trouble by Hans Wilhelm

Ping Pong Pig by Caroline Jayne Church

Let’s Count  Paradise Press board book

Why Do Animals Sleep Through Winter?by Chris Arvetis and Carole Palmer

Mouse’s First Spring by Lauren Thompson

Strega Nona, Tomie de Paola


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  • Please check your bag of extra clothes for your child to be sure everything fits and that there is a complete change of clothes
  • If lunch items need to be heated up, please be sure the container can be too
  • Please be sure to include a spoon or fork when needed
  • The Preschool classrooms open at 7:55a.m.
  • Remember to have your child wash their hands before entering the classroom each morning

Important Dates

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  • Friday, April 2, No School
  • Friday, April 9, PA Bingo night, visit mybcd.org for more details
  • Saturday April 10, BCD Talent Show for Haiti relief fund, 6:30p.m.
  • Friday, April 16, Pizza Friday
  • Tuesday, April 20 – April 23rd, Arts Week and All School Art Show in Fitzpatrick Hall
  • Tuesday, April 20, Art Gala, 7:00p.m.

We would like to inform you of two very special events happening in the month of May.  On Thursday, May 6th, the Preschool children would like to invite all Mommies, or Mommy Reps, to join us for our third annual Preschool Mommies’ Day Breakfast. We felt that it was important to let you know of this special morning now, so that you can put it on your calendar.  Breakfast will be served between 7:55a.m. and 9:00a.m.  If possible, please join us for a cup of coffee or tea and a quick bite to eat before starting your day. The children do not yet know of this fun event, so please allow us to introduce the idea to them later in the month.

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  We will be sure to send you formal invitations.  On Friday, May 7th, the Preschool will perform in their very first Music and Choral Concert, with Lower School.  The concert will begin at 1:00p.m. and finish at 2:00p.m.  Children who do not usually come on Friday afternoons may join us at 12:30p.m., with an adult.

Have a nice warm, long, sunny weekend!   Joni