Have you made your donation yet to the Annual Giving Fund?

At Berkshire Country Day School we rely on the Annual Giving Fund to bridge the gap between the revenue raised through tuition and the total cost of educating every child.  All parents, as well as faculty, alumni, grandparents, past parents, and friends of the School are asked to show their support for BCD and its mission by making a tax-deductible donation to the Annual Giving Fund. The direct beneficiaries of the money we raise from this year’s campaign are your child(ren).

While every constituent is asked to give as much as they can, participation in the campaign is as important as how much someone can give. Last year, 90 percent of our current parents made a contribution to the Annual Giving Fund – an all-time BCD high! Today, we are at 59%. It is our goal this year to meet and exceed last year’s level of participation, and with your help we can.

An anonymous donor has initiated a class challenge to encourage parent
participation. The challenge works like this: For every class able to
achieve 100% parent participation, this donor will make an additional gift of $1,000 to the Annual Giving Fund in the name of that class. Here is our current level of participation for each class:

B3 at 50% – 4 parents to go
Pre-K at 57% – 3 parents to go
Kindergarten at 75% – 2 parents to go
Grade 1 at 44% – 9 parents to go
Grade 2 at 78% – 2 parents to go
Grade 3 at 52% – 11 parents to go
Grade 4 at 55% -9 parents to go
Grade 5 at 55% – 11 parents to go
Grade 6 at 56% – 7 parents to go
Grade 7 at 32% – 17 parents to go
Grade 8 at 54% – 11 parents to go
Grade 9 at 92% – 1 parent to go

The campaign concludes June 30th. To make your donation, you can go online to the BCD web site and use the “Give Online” icon to make a credit card payment, or you can contact Maxine or Joanne in the Development Office.  Thank you for your support.