Margaret and I send a heartfelt thanks to the over 85 parents, students, teachers, staff members, trustees, and alums who donated their time and energy this past Saturday at the 4th Annual Community Campus Day. The day was a great success!
Thanks to the collaborative spirit and the collective accomplishment of these community members, two dumpsters were filled to the brim with the dead trees, invasive plants, and rotting debris that had built up over the years among the pine trees adjacent to the school’s driveways and parking area. These were removed to be recycled as mulch, as were the tons of leaves that were raked and carted away. The lilacs by the playground were pruned to the ground, preparing them to resurge next spring, healthier and happier for years to come.
We send tremendous thanks to organizers and leaders Emily Bernard and Ellen Boyd. Special thanks to everyone who sent delectable baked goods to fortify the group and to Tom Toupance of Meadow Farm of the Berkshires Compost Facility for donating his time, transportation fees, and dumpsters for a second year in a row. Ellen Boyd captured many of the day’s moments in pictures. A slideshow of her photos can be seen at