We’ve had fun this week. We’ve written another Class Book. This one, called Winter Is Here, features cray-pas illustrations. The children had fun drawing in this medium, and we’re going to keep them out on the art cart. And on Friday the children created sculptural collages using a variety of craft materials. These are on display in the classroom; come and take a look! There is a lovely variety of work.
We’ve been working on recognizing, reading, and writing numbers to 100. The children completed a dot-to-dot of a penguin that asked them to count to 45 – easy for a few, but not most! The class enjoyed the challenge.
Next Wednesday, PreSchool and Kindergarten will celebrate PAJAMA DAY! Yes, your child can come to school in their jammies and stay in them all day! Please also send a robe or footed pajama sleeper as a second layer, as our room can be chilly in the morning. Please send a flashlight too. Optional items are a cuddly animal and a blanket and pillow (or they can use their rest blanket). We will do some fun activities with the PreSchool. (PS – if you think your child will want to wear regular clothes to go home in, please send those too.)
On Monday, we celebrated Chase’s school birthday. Joining Chase in the classroom were his mom, dad and grandmother. And we had a special treat, as Chase himself read a book to the class! It was a Dick and Jane winter story. After lunch, we enjoyed “dirt cupcakes with worms” (actually, chocolate and gummy worms) – yum! Thank you, Cara, Lance and Carol, for a fun birthday celebration!
On Wednsday, Aurora’s family provided a great Lunch Bunch – macaroni and cheese, fresh veggies and lemony pound cake. Jenny and Jim (and even Henry) helped. Thank you, Benson family, for a delicious lunch.
Please remember that Book Orders are due back on Wednesday, 1/20. Thank you for your support!
Enjoy the long weekend!