The Lower School Art classes all worked on International Dot Day, inspired by the wonderful book, “The Dot”, by Peter H. Reynolds. This event currently involves 600.000 students and adults! In the Kindergarten art class the students made paintings with dot paint markers on round, dot, paper. First Graders made buddy dots, drawing on colored cut out dot circles that they then divided in half, shared with another student, and glued down as a large collage. In the Second grade, each student made a dot to share with every other student in his or her section. They rotated from station to station, watercoloring, making a collage, or drawing with crayons, or combining those methods. Each student then designed an individual page of his or her buddy dots. Third graders were able to write their name in Morse code, emphasizing the dots, which they colored with markers. Everyone enjoyed the experience, and you can view their work on the bulletin boards in Furey Hall, and in the entry to the main building.