All students at BCD are encouraged to read widely this summer. We want children to love reading, and summer is the ideal time to explore, enrich and grow.

Please check  your child’s required and suggested reading for this coming school year by clicking on the 2011 Summer Reading link located to the right of this post—all required summer reading books are listed within the document.

The lists for Preschool and Lower School students, for whom summer reading is encouraged but not required, suggest appropriate books for their reading and/or listening pleasure.

All children entering Grades 3 through 9 are required:

  1. to read at least four books during the summer and
  2. to be prepared to write reports on them in the fall.

The Summer Reading Lists have been sent to The Bookstore in Lenox, The Bookloft in Great Barrington, the Chatham Bookstore, Barnes & Noble in Pittsfield, and all of the public libraries in the region. Most titles are readily available in any bookstore or library. Keep in mind that used bookstores are wonderful places to save money, recycle, and enjoy the luxury of an inexpensive hardcover copy!

Please contact Carmen Dockery Perkins at with any questions.