
Doree, Eliza, Finn, Hayley, Henry, Jordan, Max, Nico, Rufus, Will, Sam, Samantha, Tibor, and Toby, we are gathered here today to celebrate each of you individually and collectively as the graduating class of 2016, and in so doing, to acknowledge and honor your uniqueness, originality, and accomplishments.   During your time at BCD, your academic growth has been actualized, your artistic visions realized, your sportsmanship demonstrated, and your essential goodness revealed.  We can only begin to imagine the potential rewards and personal satisfaction that will come from all of your steadfast hard work, your intrinsic curiosity, and your active community participation at BCD.

I know that while you were here at BCD you were challenged to do your very best in multiple arenas of learning – in the classroom, on the stage, and on the field – and sometimes ALL on the same day!  IMG_8275I can say this with certainty (because I saw you do it!) that each of you has met these challenges with integrity, tenacity, and grace.  And, while it has always been part of the design that one day each of you would be departing this beloved school, many of us are balancing our sense of tremendous pride and unconditional love for you with a sense of overwhelming sadness and impending loss.

As many of you anticipate and wonder about what your future will hold, we cannot help but look back across the progression of your lives thus far, remembering you as the adorable preschoolers that you were, the confident early readers that you became, the precocious pre-teens into which you transformed, and the determined, IMG_8274searching, and independent individuals and scholars that surfaced.  Now, older and wiser, stronger and TALLER, we don’t just see you as a class of ninth graders.  We see you as emerging young adults, who at every turn are now teaching us new things about life.  We marvel at your maturity and kindness toward others and your concern and loyalty for your friends with whom some of you have already cemented bonds that, if nurtured, may last your lifetime.  You remind us: regardless of the things we strive to acquire, the journeys we choose to embark upon, or the work we endeavor to do, that things, places, and jobs do not love you back: People love you back, especially those YOU invest in most.

Our mission as a school was to inspire your promise, and each of you has through the expression of your personal interests, talents, and passions exceeded our expectations!  Over the arch of your years at BCD, an incredible group of talented FullSizeRender (9)teachers have invested in all aspects of your educational journey.  This special group of people has carefully crafted the course of your learning: engaging your minds, developing your skills, and nurturing your self-esteem all along the way.  Individually and collectively, they inspired, nudged, coddled, and at times, pushed you to higher levels of accomplishment and proficiency. They steadfastly believed in you and in establishing the direction of your moral compass.  And most importantly, they dared to demonstrate to you who they were as more than just your teachers, but as mentors and friends.

Few of us have had the privilege of observing you day-in, day-out over many years, and it has been nothing but a joy and great fun for me to witness your growth and progress during the past eight years.  Regardless of the season or weather, and especially throughout this year, I eagerly anticipated greeting you each morning as FullSizeRender (7)you arrived to school, and those moments revealed for me over the years which of you are morning people (or at least by 8:00 AM): Max, Doree, Eliza, Sam, Rufus, Hayley, Nico, Tibor, and Will, and – which of you who are CLEARLY NOT morning people: Samantha, Henry, Finn, Jordan, and Toby.

It also must be said that every one of you, in your own ways, have weathered a few storms and confronted difficult dilemmas over the years.  In spite of any momentary adversities, each of you re-entered each day with a ready greeting and eagerness to begin anew.  I always admired that, and I truly looked forward to seeing each and every one of you every day.  The special willingness that was required to allow you to buoyantly emerge every day as a “better version of yourself” is a testament to the extraordinarily unique strength of character that you all possess, and, personally, it held special meaning and was inspiring for me.

FullSizeRender (8)It is my greatest wish that each of you will recognize in yourselves your own self-worth and ever-emerging promise and identity as stellar students of life, and as our BCD mission intends – “exemplary citizens of the world.”  I hope that you will continue to develop and express your voices as you face new commitments and the multifaceted challenges that may accompany them.  Everyone is a work in progress, and everyone is accountable for what they say and do, and, please remember, when you graduate, you are also accountable for what you have learned and accomplished and what you are embarking upon.

One of the most important challenges that I predict you will confront in your years ahead will be to remain steady in knowing WHO you are and comfortable with the significance of WHERE you came from.  It is hard to deny that life here at BCD has offered you an extraordinarily rich, nurturing, and secure environment – one that DSC_0034 (2)has supported your exploration and overall inquisitiveness and allowed you to experiment within the safety of carefully guided limits.

Today is all about celebrating and affirming each of you as you embark on new life adventures and journeys.  Go forward and continue with the good work and required effort that you now more fully know it takes to succeed.  Look for ways to make a difference – in big and little ways.  Extend yourself and your sincere interest in others while continuing to maintain quality in your relationships with one another and the many new and different people you will encounter along the way.  You are BIG people; you have a lot to share with others.

In closing, I encourage you to do the things that matter most to you and our world, and embrace only the things that make you better.  Ernest Hemingway once said,


“There is nothing noble in being superior to others; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”  You will continue to be the best version of yourself by pursuing your dreams, desires, and passions whole-heartedly and by being generous with and empathetic toward others in all ways – especially when revealing who you are!  Thank you for being a part of our shared experiences at BCD.  My very best wishes to each and every one of you!

(Thank you again, one and all, for the many ways that you participated in the life of the school during the past year. As was demonstrated throughout our ceremony yesterday, the spirit of community and our shared values at BCD frame this special place where every child and family is individually known and understood.  I send my very best wishes to everyone for a wonderful and enriching summer.  Regards, Paul)