
On Friday, Leigh Doherty and I joined Latin teacher Eugénie Fawcett and English teacher Jim Fawcett during the Upper School’s annual journey to attend the Pioneer Valley Classical Association’s Classics Day at Mount Holyoke College.  Berkshire Country Day School was one of nine schools in attendance.  BCD’s Latin students, in grades seven, eight, and nine, enjoyed participating in workshops and contests with over 300 peers (in grades seven through twelve) from Academy Hill, Amherst Middle School, Belchertown, Herberg Middle School, Lenox Memorial High, MacDuffie, Reid, Pittsfield High, Taconic High and Williston.”

img_9630Every middle school and high school student present must attend a workshop and enter one of the contests.  Individuals memorize and recite specific Latin passages for the Oral Interpretation Contest, make and wear a costume for the Costume Contest, or create a painting, mosaic, sculpture or model, with a Greek or Roman theme, for the Art Contest.  Schools may enter teams of four in the Latin or mythology certamina, which are run like quiz bowls.  In addition, docents at the Mount Holyoke College Museum hold workshops, during which students don gloves and handle and inspect ancient coins.

Lanna K.'s oil painting

Lanna K.’s oil painting

Once again, thanks to Mrs. Fawcett (!), BCD’s students were well-prepared and demonstrated their advanced skills and passion for learning and Latin.  Competing against students in grades 7-12, BCD students received the following awards:



Sculpture                     First- Lanna K.            BCD

Paintings & Drawings First – Lanna K.           BCD

Mosaics                       Second – Fiona F.        BCD

Third – Esme L.           BCD

Military                       Second – Anje C.        BCD


First – Esme L. as Artemis                               BCD

Third – Julia M. as Persephone                       BCD


Intermediate         First – Colby L.           BCD

Second – Fiona F.        BCD

Third – Beck M.          BCD

Novice                      First – Keely O’G.       BCD

Second – Chase V.      BCD


Latin 2       Second – BCD (Fiona F., Lanna K. Beck M., Gabe R.)

Latin 1       Second – BCD Blue (Cassius C., Colby L., Roberto B., Henry V.S.)