

Over the year, I hear such great stories about former BCD students.  We’re so proud of all of our BCD alumni.  They go onto secondary schools with a strong sense of self and as confident and engaged learners, athletes, artists, and citizens.  The following email came in earlier today:





Hi Paul,

Just wanted you to know that our son got into Cal Polytech in Pomona yesterday.  He’s still waiting on Stanford, Caltech, RPI, and others, and it looks like he may make valedictorian at his high school.  He has perfect grades, all AP STEM classes, and he scored an 800 on his math SAT and a 740 on his English/Verbal.

All thanks to BCD, which set him on a course from Kindergarten to academic excellence, confidence and joy.


Former Parent

For more stories, check out our alumni profiles page.

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