

To continue this year’s work to further develop our social and service learning curricula, Associate Head of School Leigh Doherty (who is doing an extraordinary job) started the conversation at a recent faculty meeting by asking groups of our teachers to consider the question “what is your vision for the ideal Berkshire Country Day School student?”  The following offers a brief window into what was shared:


Respectful       Thoughtful      Considerate

Problem solvers (socially, emotionally, and intellectually)

Engaged          Capable of speaking up

Look for opportunities to help others

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Kind        Caring         Brave

Fun-loving       Good-humored           Humble

Compassionate            Connected

Inspired           Interested        Resilient

Critical thinkers           Independent

Good listeners

I witness these qualities in our students each and every day.  Credit for the vision for each child’s success at BCD must be directed to our deeply dedicated and talented teachers.  Their concern for citizenship and the development of each child’s individual strengths, characteristics, and character – and their passion for teaching, creativity, and enthusiastic involvement throughout our community – establishes the culture at our school where each student’s promise can be recognized, respected, and inspired.