So much to report!
We’ve spent a good deal of time this month learning about the Wampanoag tribe that lived in this area, and also about the Pilgrims and why they left England to come to America. We’ve read many books about the history of this holiday, and each child has written about things they’re thankful for. These are hanging on our bulletin board. We’ve spent time talking about how different life was then, with no stores to buy food, furniture, or clothing. Weaving fabric and blankets was one way that people created things they needed. In the classroom we have a large freestanding loom, and each child has had the opportunity to weave sections of it. This also reinforces AB patterning. We will continue to do more weaving next month as well, as it remains a popular activity!
In math, the children have now completed their Patten Books. (These will come home after Thanksgiving.) In addition, we’ve completed numeral formation. When we return from Thanksgiving break, I’ll be asking each child to work on writing, and then memorizing, their phone number. Please let me know the preferred number you’d like your child to learn. Thanks!
Our Friendship Lunch was a big success. We got together with PreK the day before and made cornbread, homemade butter, and placemats. On the day itself, all enjoyed some variation of spaghetti, butter, meatballs, tomato sauce, and parmesan cheese. We had carrot and cucumber sticks to dip into ranch dressing, and cider to drink. We ended the meal with chocolate cupcakes with strawberry cream frosting. A huge thank you to Milana for pitching in and providing extra help on a very busy day. It was a lovely event shared with our PreK friends!
We also had a wonderfully sophisticated Lunch Bunch this month! All enjoyed grilled chicken breasts marinated in miso paste and soy sauce, stir-fried vegetables with banno sauce, brown rice, fruit salad, and apple caramel pie for dessert. Thank you, Milana and Vivienne, for providing such a delicious meal!
Thanksgiving Soup was a wonderful school-wide event, filled with good food and the warmth of students, staff, faculty, and alumni. In that spirit, I wish you all a happy and delicious Thanksgiving!