Greetings from misty Wakefield, Rhode Island!

Grade Five has been busy (mostly) in and out of the rain all day. This morning we enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, bagels, cereal and yogurt before heading out for a two-hour field group session. While Kai’s field group trekked out into the salt marsh, Luna’s group worked on the low-ropes course. Both groups took shelter from the pouring rain to come inside for a few more team building challenges, and cozy up with a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream.

At lunch, we devoured the hot dogs and Fritos with optional toppings of chili and baked beans. Then we headed for some quiet time where the students drew or wrote in their Writer’s notebooks. Some of our class then chose to participate in a guided shark dissection or to create a bottle rockets to be launched via air compressor in the field. More electives followed—a “heroes” activity with Phoenix, and the always-popular Endangered Egg Babies with Devin.

Hopefully tonight the weather will hold for our outdoor night hike….

The staff here at NC have shared with both Tim and me what a kind and curious bunch of kids we have. It is such a pleasure to be with them on this trip and enjoy the down time making string bracelets and creating bizarre stories by flashlight. When I was writing this, a few of them asked to be included in the blog:

“In the marsh, we noticed a weird lump at the end of the peninsula and as we got closer we realized that it was a pile of sticks which turned out to be an osprey nest.” (Bryce)

“Doing the ropes course this morning was challenging and helped us develop teambuilding and communication.” (Gabi)

“I got to hold both eyeballs. They were like marbles, and there were only 2 chambers in the heart.” (Everett, enthusiastically referring to the shark dissection)

“Dr. L looks even younger today.” (Kachina. Thanks, K!)

Stay tuned for more NC adventures!


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