PLEASE JOIN US! On Tuesday, April 21st at 8:15AM in the library, Elizabeth Weinberg, MD & Terri Sash, MA/CCC-SLP will lead a discussion about talking to our children about sex. This is our last meeting in our series of Let’s Talk About.

Everything you NEVER wanted your kids to know about sex (but were afraid they’d ask)….

It’s the rare parent that doesn’t feel some anxiety about responding to their child’s developing sexuality: recognizing it, understanding it, anticipating developmental changes, and helping their child navigate it.

Using chapters from Everything You NEVER Wanted Your Kids to Know About Sex (but were afraid they’d ask) by Justin Richardson, M.D. and Mark Schuster, M.D., Ph.D., Terri and Elizabeth invite you to create a “judgment free zone” to talk about questions, difficulties, surprises and dilemmas experienced in relation to our children’s sexual development.

Subjects we will touch on will include: changes and experiences in relation to puberty and pre-pubertal development, children’s questions about sex and sexuality, and our responses to sexual behavior and preference as they arise in our relationships with our children.

Terri Sash, MA/CCC-SLP is a Speech-Language Pathologist working both at the Pediatric Development Center and in private practice. Prior to relocating to Columbia County, she was a therapist and a Clinical Supervisor at the New York League for Early Learning/Lifestart Program. She is the mom of Jeri (seventh grade) and Sam (second grade) Hautzig.

Elizabeth Weinberg M.D. is a staff psychiatrist and psychotherapist at the Austen Riggs Center. Prior to relocating to the Berkshires, she was on the faculty of the psychiatry department at Baylor College of Medicine and worked in private practice, seeing patients, teaching, and supervising trainees. She is also trained as a psychoanalyst, and is on the faculty of the Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute. She is the mom of Gabrielle Mott, in the second grade.

Everything you NEVER wanted your Kids to Know About Sex is available from Amazon thought this link Used copies are listed for only $.01. Dr. Richardson is on the clinical faculties of Columbia University and Cornell University. He also provided consultation for the HBO series, “In Treatment.”

Dr. Schuster is an associate professor of pediatrics and public health at UCLA and codirector of the Center for Research on Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health at RAND.

Other readings that may be helpful as alternate choices or in addition to these readings for people considering attending this talk include:

“Let’s Talk (Frankly) About Sex” from the New York Times Magazine, March 25 2015,

“How to Talk to Your Daughter About Her Body” from The Huffington Post, 7/30/2013

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