This week in the library, Kindergartners marveled in the tale of Verdi, by Janell Cannon, creator of the beloved Stella Luna. Verdi is a young python who revels in his youth and his sporty yellow stripes. His free-spirited nature not only leads him to perform death-defying acrobatics, but also to question his older, wiser and GREEN python peers, Umbles, Aggie and Ribbon. Cannon’s acrylic and color-pencil illustrations help to shape a tale that is captivating, easy to relate to and touch upon our own apprehensions of growing older (and wiser!). Scaffolding up on this slithery story, we looked at two non-fiction companions about snakes and learned about fangs and venom , and noticed how when skins shed their skin, a new colored skin may emerge. Lastly, we made paper snakes to hang in the library. Students also checked out books to take home that are due back on October 15. Happy Reading!