Dear Families,
February is almost behind us and your children have been working very hard across the curriculum this month. We hope you enjoy the long weekend. It is a well-deserved break for your children!

The attached slideshow will give you a glimpse into the classroom and beyond. Here are some brief narratives highlighting what you will see in the photos.

Valentine’s Day! Thank you all for supporting your children in making Valentine cards for their classmates. The class had a great time looking at the many varied cards and thoroughly enjoyed the many sweets and drinks at the party.

Mr. Lindenmaier led us on a tour of the Learning Commons and Music Center. We cannot wait to get into these new spaces. If you haven’t had an opportunity to see the spaces yet, ask your child about what he/she noticed and/or is most excited about!

Two of our ninth grade buddies, Emily and Lanna, read children’s stories that they wrote in French and illustrated to our class one morning. Their stories were delightful and the kids thoroughly enjoyed them. It gave them great motivation to get right to work on their own stories during Writer’s Workshop that morning.

Both classes have been learning about geometry and working with shapes and you will see some photos of the kids working with geoboards during math time. Ask your child to show you a polygon or a quadrilateral!

Each student is studying a different type of penguin in science class. They are conducting research online and/or from books to gather five facts specific to their penguin. They are making great progress on their various projects from posters to fact books to dioramas. We will be sharing our projects with the Kindergarten class who has also been studying penguins.

Mexico is the next unit of focus in Social Studies. There will be lots to come about that, but we hope you enjoy the photo of your children lined up to present parts of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech to the Lower School at our Courage Assembly earlier this month.

Again, we cannot tell you enough how proud we are of how hard your children have been working this winter.

Enjoy your time with your children. We look forward to seeing them back in school on Wednesday.

Katharine and Kay

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