The last day of the 2015-2016 school year is next Friday, June 10, and it will be a half-day. Our End-of-the-year Assembly will be held at 11:00 a.m. in Fitzpatrick Hall. This special assembly provides everyone with the opportunity to thank the faculty, staff, administration, and the many community members who have contributed so much to BCD over the years and those who have invested in our many and shared successes this year.
Immediately following the End-of-the-year Assembly, we will move to courtyard in front of Furey Hall for a brief groundbreaking ceremony for The Kevin Hirt Library and Learning Commons and The Kim and James Taylor Music and Performance Room. Construction will begin on June 16th
The annual Family Picnic will then begin on the playground. If your child(ren) will ride the bus that day, please note that buses will depart at 1:00 p.m.
The 2016 Awards and Graduation Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 15th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in Fitzpatrick Hall. BCD’s graduation ceremony is the signature, culminating event at our school, and I extend a special invitation to every community member to attend this wonderful and moving celebratory occasion this year. Reflecting our mission, each graduating Ninth grader will be individually recognized, and we will will hear tributes about each departing Eighth Grader. The entire Eighth Grade class will be acknowledged, and every student in the class will receive a certificate for completing a term of learning. Citizenship and academic awards will be presented, and other special presentations will be made. Please plan to arrive no later than 3:45 p.m.
During the past thirty-five years, it has always been my experience that the end of a school year is a time when children of all ages (that means parents and teacher, too!) may express mixed feelings. While we think about the accomplishments and learning experiences during the past year and eagerly anticipate summer vacation, the end of a school year can be a time when some children may feel sad and uncertain about the future. Saying farewell to friends, ending a relationship with a special teacher, and moving on to a new class, middle or upper school, or a new school can provoke feelings of loss and letting go. It is important to speak with your children during these times. It is most helpful to acknowledge and affirm their feelings and to discuss ways to express their thoughts about others during this period of transition.
I am grateful for the many ways that parents have participated in the life of the school during the past year. Your partnership enhances the quality of our work here at school. I send my very best wishes to all for a wonderful and enriching summer.