We’ve been thinking actively about peace these weeks.  Classroom writings have included “I feel peaceful when…” and “I am a peacemaker when…”  Everyone’s work is up on the bulletin board and the children have been very successful at creating a harmonious feeling in our room, talking through their conflicts and helping each other with activities.

Geoboards were introduced this week.  The class is seeing how many different geometric shapes they can create, and are also practicing making both symmetrical and  asymmetrical designs.



















This week we baked cookies for Open Table and made beautiful cards for the folks there.  Speaking of gifts, their holiday gifts for all of you are complete.  The children worked very hard and did a great job.  The picture frames were a lot of fun, but weaving those potholders was a complicated task.  We hope you like them!


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One reason I love teaching kindergarten is because of all the learning that happens spontaneously.  For example, you may have heard your kindergartner singing “Dona Nobis Pacem” at home.  This song, attributed to Mozart, is a lovely round.  I played it on the recorder for the children and then later taught them to sing it. The next day I gave them an alphabet dot-to-dot that showed Mozart at a harpsichord.  “What color was Mozart’s hair?” one child asked me.  Before I could reply, another student said, “It’s brown. I remember from the book Matilda brought in about Mozart.” (at least a month ago!)  I then asked if they knew what a harpsichord sounded like, and found a CD of harpsichord music that we all listened to together.  All this unplanned but connected learning – so much fun!

Kindergarten has had its first birthday!  We celebrated Matilda’s birthday (she will turn six over vacation) last week.  Julia, Hanna and Siena (Matilda’s two sisters) and Beate, her au pair were all able to join us.  The children loved hearing the  stories that Matilda had chosen from home and we all ate delicious cupcakes together.  Thank you for a fun celebration!

We ended our week with many special events:  We went over to Oakes where the first and second grade students recited poems that they had written about peace.  These had many images using the five senses and they were quite lovely.  Later, the 8th grade came to our room and performed a Mummers play for us.  It was fast-paced, lively and fun!  And we closed with a great holiday party at the very end of the day.  Thanks to Natacha and Sarah for planning, to Natacha and Lyndsey (and Raleigh’s Aunt Tara) for helping out, and to everyone who sent things in!

I wish you all a joyous and peaceful break.  See you in 2015!
