Mois de la Francophonie, How Will We Celebrate at BCD?
Bonjour tout le monde!
What is the Mois de la Francophonie, you ask? The goal of La Francophonie Month, organized each year around the world, is to promote the French language in the context of cultural diversity, as well as to support dialogue and bringing together people, groups and communities interested in the Francophonie. 33 million people in the Americas live and radiate the French language around them.
We will celebrate La Francophonie Month at BCD in several ways, starting off with a crepe-making ‘atelier’ on Friday, February 1, with grades 4-8. My husband & local chef, Benjamin, will help us to assemble our ingredients and share the technique to making a perfectly thin and delicious crepe! …more details to follow, to be distributed by email per grade.
Another way in which students will celebrate Francophonie month is by participating in an international ‘Slam poetry’ competition, called ‘Slame tes Accents’.  Through this competition, the Center of Francophonie des Ameriques aims “to highlight the diversity of French accents hosted by the Americas, to highlight the vitality and dynamism of the Francophonie of the Americas and stimulate interest in the Francophonie by demonstrating to students the power of words. Whether French is your second or mother tongue, whether you are starting out or perfecting it, display your accents and make them vibrate in video form!”
With grades 7 and 8, we will create a video of 60 to 90 seconds. Our class slam must integrate some 15 proposed words. This is an opportunity to celebrate the richness, vitality, and diversity of the French language during the month of the Francophonie.Â
Here are some objectives of the competition, which we will approach in a way that best represents our Francophone culture at BCD and our school community! …
Stimulate interest in the Francophonie of the Americas in educational institutions.
Generate the pride of speaking French and belonging to the Francophonie family.
Engage students in their learning of French.
Demonstrate the evocative power of slam.
Develop written and oral skills in French.
Among the many prizes offered is the chance to win a visit to the school by Mathieu LippĂ©, a popular artist, singer, and slam poet from Quebec who has enjoyed great success among young people with his “contagious” dynamism. His visit, in the form of a creative workshop, will certainly help stimulate and promote student interest in the French language.
For more information about this engaging and inspiring educational challenge, please follow the link;Â
Mme. Daire