Dear Families,
The last few weeks have been very busy here in the Grade 1/2 classroom. The attached slide show will give you an idea of all that has been happening. Here are a few highlights:
*Our ocean unit in science came to a close with a presentation to the Third Graders. The class shared individual reports on various aspects of ocean life in the context of being the kids in Ms. Frizzle class from The Magic School Bus
on the Ocean Floor
. Just this week we began our new science unit on crayons.
*In social studies our immersion in Colonial times is drawing to a close. The children have finished up their horn books and are completing their writing and drawings for their booklets “If I lived in Colonial Times”. Our first venture in candle dipping was not very successful, but we have learned from our mistakes and will be dipping candles again next week!
*Interactions with other classes have been highlights as well. The 9th graders are greeted with excitement every Wednesday when they join us for recess and lunch. Emily and Lanna are with us for lunch this semester, Fiona and Emmett will join us next semester. The Third Grade invited us upstairs to see their Community presentations. Our Lower School Cooperation Assembly was wonderful. Pre-K, Kindergarten and Third Grade joined us here in our classroom to talk about cooperation, make a fruit salad together, share stories, and play games. The first and second graders commented on how nice it was to spend time with the younger students. Yesterday, we watched the Fifth and Sixth Grade play and found their version of Jack and the Beanstalk to be quite entertaining.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Holiday Concert tomorrow. We brought the class over to the gym lobby to see the ornaments on the Holiday Gift Drive display. We read a number of the tags and talked about how nice it is to make a difference in the lives of others. Once you have selected an ornament, please be sure to give us the gift tag # so that we can keep track of the gifts and make sure they end up going to the right person. If you are not able to come to school for this, let us know and we will go over with your child.
All the best,
Katharine and Kay