Dear Families,

The winter months are busy ones here in the 1/2 classroom. I often refer to January, February and March as “crunch time”. A great deal of work gets done during this time period.  With Ski Fridays replacing afternoon academic time, we find ourselves with our noses to the grindstone. Intense work across the curriculum leaves little time for free choice during our days. So please make sure your child has enough food to sustain them throughout the day and be forewarned that they may come home quite tired.

This winter our science unit will have us studying bears. January is our month to learn lessons in courage for Social Studies. On top of the continued work we do in math, reading, and writing, this year’s class has made an additional request. So enamored with our afternoon read-aloud The World of Pooh (which includes both A.A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh

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and The House at Pooh Corner), we will be taking two of the children’s favorite chapters and making them into mini-plays. So there will be lines to learn and movements to memorize. Although very informal, there will be a performance here in the classroom for all of you. Details to be determined – stay tuned!

Report cards come out later this month. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

As always, thank you for sharing your children with all of us here at BCD!
