
Despite the holidays, sick days, and snow days we have been able to have a productive month. The constant variety of precipitation has enhanced our study of “States of Matter.” We simply wander outside and are able to observe dripping icicles, steam rising from the furnace, and plenty of snow and ice. We studied properties of ice and then each child was asked to create an environment that would keep an ice cube solid for as long as possible. There were a variety of materials. Ben, Ashley, Timmy, and Jacob had the longest lasting ice cubes. We discovered as a group that the common ingredient that they used was sawdust and cotton pillow stuffing. Most were able to preserve the cube for 6 hours. Bravo to all!

In reading and writing we are moving from poetry into non-fiction. We are studying biography, starting with Abraham Lincoln. We will study his life thoroughly as a class. The children will learn about basic characteristics of biographies, will select a biography to read, and then will write a non-fiction report. This will all be done in class. Common characteristics of these famous people will become self-evident. First graders are reading non-fiction during Read & Rest. You will notice as the books come home in the book bags.

The children had a wonderful time skating with Mrs. Heady on Monday before the storm. Some children had already had some experience on the ice and for others it was a maiden voyage. It was a great deal of fun for everyone! We hope to have a chance to do it again. Just have to shovel off the snow.

Here are some dates of special events:

Monday, Feb. 2 Pom Pom Celebration- Children are invited to wear pajamas to school. We will have a movie and popcorn in the afternoon as a reward for earning a full jar of pom poms.

Thursday, Feb. 5 Poetry Reading – 2:00p.m. Please be prompt. We will start on time and poetry is very quick to read and recite. Siblings are invited.

Friday, Feb. 13 Valentines Day Celebration – We will be exchanging cards in school. If your child would like to participate please make a card for every member of the 1-2 class. They can bring them to school at any time and add them to our Valentine box. They will be distributed on the 13th.

February 16 and 17 President’s Day – No school on Monday or Tuesday.

Happy Birthday to Ashley, Sam, and Timmy!

Enjoy the cold, snowy, Super Bowl weekend!

Ms. Milani and Ms. Allentuck

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