Recently, I was introduced to the work of Positive Psychologist Angela Duckworth, Ph.D., known for her original and regarded research on grit and self-control.  Dr. Duckworth is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, and she studies competencies (other than general intelligence) that predict academic and professional achievement. Her research centers on “self-control (the ability to regulate emotions, thoughts, and feelings in the service of valued goals) and grit (perseverance and sustained interest in long-term goals).”  She says, “I am particularly interested in the subjective experience of exerting self-control and grit – and conscious strategies which facilitate adaptive behavior in the face of temptation, frustration, and distraction.”

The following video is a TedxTalk, “True Grit: Can Perseverance Be Taught?” that Dr. Duckworth presented in 2009.