Though there are still occasional forecasts of snow, we, as a class, have thoroughly embraced spring. Preparing for recess, I am asked daily, “Ms. Patel, do I have to wear my jacket?” and there are groans of dismay, when, unfortunately, my answer is often yes. But once we’re outside and the children start running around, jackets, sweatshirts, and long-sleeved shirts get peeled off, and the children run and play with abandon. Inside the classroom, we can create spring no matter what the weather is doing. Come see our walls – the children have made beautiful artwork, using tissue paper collage, that depict spring happenings. We learned two new poems this month, which you’ll hear at our assembly: Ode to Spring by Walter R. Brooks, and April Rain Song

by Langston Hughes. We were very fortunate last week when Lisa Smyle, parent of a BCD eighth grader, came to our classroom. Lisa is an interpreter for the deaf community, and she taught us the ASL signs for the Langston Hughes poem. By the way, the class is working hard and enthusiastically for their assembly; you will be so proud of them!

What else tells me spring is here? The children are taller, more capable, and more independent. They are confident in the classroom and on the playground. The connections between them remain strong, even when there are disagreements, and they have skills now to negotiate those times. Classroom routines are internalized; they know what to do and when to do it. Spring is a good season in the classroom – the children’s curiosity, caring, and competence is evident everywhere I look.

Other signs of spring: we will go on a trip this week to Hancock Shaker Village to see the baby animal exhibit. And in two weeks, we’ll hike in Kennedy Park for our annual Mountain Day. On both of these events, we’ll be joined by PK-3rdgrade. More information about these trips will come home in lunch boxes.

I look forward to seeing you all on May 11 for the Poetry Assembly, and hope that all of you can stay for the Class Potluck Lunch immediately afterwards. All grandparents and special friends are invited as well.

Some recent photos. Sorry that there are only two – I tried to upload three more, but this page wouldn’t let me!


