We’ve been so busy since our return from vacation! Rehearsals are in full swing for the Lorax, the play we’re doing with First Grade. We rehearse three times a week in Furey Hall and at this point, about half the play has been blocked. The children are doing a great job learning their parts!
In class, our main focus is on our new unit of study, the ocean. Vibrant jellyfish hang from our ceiling and grabby crabs adorn our walls. Each child has chosen one sea creature they want to learn more about, so we’re focusing our study on whales, dolphins, seals, and sharks (sharks by far being the most popular choice). We’re also making a mural. As we learn about a particular sea creature or an area of the ocean (for example, the sunlight zone or coral reef) the mural gets more colorful each day as more and more gets added to it The children have also begun individual dioramas which will take another week or so to complete. This is a rich unit and definitely a favorite of the class.
In math we have begin our study of measurement. The children are becoming familiar with the terms inch, foot, and yar
d, and they are becoming practiced in using rulers and yardsticks. They’ve had a great time measuring and recording all sorts of things, both in the classroom and outside. One of their recent papers is on the bulletin – come and take a look!
A few housekeeping notes:
Along with the Preschool and Grade 1, we will be going on a trip to Hancock Shaker Village on Monday April 28.
Book order forms are coming home today. Please return them by Wednesday, April 23.
There’s no school on Friday, April 18, and Monday, April 21 (Good Friday and Patriot’s Day, respectively).
Have a great weekend!